Offre de stage – Test & QA

Posted by on 10.01.24


The Game Bakers recherche un ou une stagiaire Test & QA pour participer au développement de Cairn. Vous rejoindrez une petite équipe expérimentée, avec des méthodes de travail rodées sur nos précédents jeux, qui travaille sans crunch et dans la bonne humeur. Nous sommes un studio indépendant et nous développons des créations originales, des jeux qui marquent, comme nos précédentes productions Haven ou Furi. Notre équipe est en télétravail, mais pour ce poste une présence à Montpellier est préférée. Notre studio est engagé sur les problématiques de diversité, d’inclusion et d’écosobriété de notre industrie.

Mission :

Sous la responsabilité de notre Lead QA, la personne en stage aura pour mission de participer au :

  • Test des fonctionnalités et du contenu du jeu sur toutes les plateformes (PC et consoles)
  • Rédaction de rapports de bugs, en documentant les étapes de reproduction (screenshots et captures vidéos)
  • Vérifcation des corrections
  • Mise à jour la base de bugs
  • Préparation et déploiement des builds
Profil :
  • Rigueur et patience pour effectuer du test détaillé
  • Capacité à imaginer des manipulations pouvant générer des bugs et/ou reproduire des comportements types de différents profils de joueurs et joueuses
  • Capacité à rédiger des rapports de bugs clairs, précis et documentés
  • Connaissance des environnements de développement: Unity, Git
  • Grande autonomie
  • Bonne communication pour travailler en équipe y compris à distance (via Slack notamment)
  • Bon niveau d’anglais
Informations additionnelles :
  • Début du stage : octobre ou novembre 2024
  • Durée : 6 mois
  • Lieu : présence au studio de Montpellier préférée pour que la personne en stage ait accès aux kits de développement
  • Gratification : 900€ bruts, 2 jours de congés rémunérés par mois

Pour postuler : un petit mot avec votre CV et portfolio à

Merci de vos candidatures !

Cairn has won its first award!

Posted by on 08.29.24

Hi everyone,

We were at Gamescom last week – and we return with good news! Cairn won Best Game of Indie Arena Booth. Among 176 incredible indie games, that is no small feat.

It was the first time players could try Cairn, and it meant the world to us to win an award confirming that we’re really working on something special.

And would you look at that turnout? Absolutely packed!

We are pumped to share the demo with you soon and hear what you have to say!

Until then,

Cairn’s demo – Are we there yet?

Posted by on 08.14.24

We just revealed the first images of Cairn’s demo during Gamescom Opening Night Live, and we’re so excited to share the trailer with you all.

And if you are headed to Gamescom, come get your hands on Cairn! We’re in hall 10.2, and would love to meet you.

The demo features the very beginning of Cairn’s story mode, and is meant to get you in shape for your big ascent of Mount Kami. You will learn how to climb, have free rein over a small mountain ridge, and experience the survival mechanics in a low pressure environment.

The demo is available only at Gamescom for the time being, as there are still some things we want to tweak before we let you climb. But it’s coming soon, 2024 is all I’m allowed to say 👀

Please take some time to check out the demo’s Steam page, there’s entirely new content on there! You can also join us on Discord if you want to ask us questions:

Introducing Cairn

Posted by on 05.31.24

A realistic mountain climbing experience

Hi everyone!

It is finally time for us to let you in on what we’ve been cooking: our next game Cairn, a mountain ascent adventure with an intuitive climbing simulation.

Read the whole description here – also see the superstars who have joined our team to make this game!

We have created a new climbing simulation that gives you complete freedom to explore the mountain, read the rock face and decide on your route. Climbing is challenging, with difficult sections to navigate, and you will need to use your equipment and pitons wisely. Cairn’s story mode will take you on Aava’s journey, as she sets to conquer a summit no one has reached before, and you will decide what she’s ready to sacrifice to achieve the ascent.

We’ll share more with you soon, but in the meantime wishlist Cairn and stay tuned by:

After years of secrecy, it feels really good for the whole team to finally be sharing this with you, and we can’t wait to hear your feedback – and show you more!

Until then,
The Game Bakers


Offre d’emploi – Level designer

Posted by on 04.16.24

The Game Bakers recherche un ou une Level Designer expérimentée pour le développement de notre prochain jeu d’action aventure sur PC et Consoles. Vous rejoindrez une équipe de 25 personnes, dont 6-7 en level art et level design, qui ont travaillé ensemble sur nos précédents projets et créent des jeux de qualité dans la bonne humeur.

Nous cherchons à créer des jeux qui marquent les joueurs et les joueuses, comme nos précédentes productions Haven ou Furi. Grâce au succès de nos jeux, nous sommes un studio indépendant et autofinancé et nous travaillons sur des créations originales.

Notre équipe est en télétravail, avec des horaires flexibles. Notre studio est engagé sur les problématiques de diversité et d’éco-sobriété de notre industrie. Nous sommes ouverts à des candidatures avec des parcours atypiques (reconversion, autodidacte etc).


Mission :
  • Editer des zones du jeu dans le moteur de jeu (Unity) avec les outils internes (pipe 3D dans Unity)
  • Concevoir du LD qui crée des challenges variés, avec une bonne gestion du rythme et des émotions
  • Concevoir du LD qui marie les contraintes de gameplay et de level art
  • Tester et itérer sur le LD, adapter en fonction du test et des playtests
Profil :
  • Expérience professionnelle en level design
  • A déjà participé au développement – de la conception jusqu’au lancement – de un ou plusieurs jeux commercialisés
  • Sait travailler avec Unity
  • Autonomie, pragmatisme, capacité à travailler en équipe, bonne humeur
  • Bon esprit de synthèse et d’une bonne communication, à l’oral et à l’écrit, en français et en anglais
  • Apprécier de faire du LD dans des environnements graphiques naturels et réalistes est souhaitable
  • Francophone
Informations additionnelles :
  • CDD ou mission freelance plein temps (4 jours / semaine minimum)
  • Dates : dès que possible – mission de 10 mois
  • Lieu : En télétravail (toute notre équipe est en télétravail depuis 14 ans)
  • Rémunération compétitive, avec intéressement et bonus projet, horaires flexibles, PEE, journées couette, mutuelle de qualité, aide à la garde d’enfants…

Pour postuler : un petit mot avec votre CV et portfolio à

Merci de vos candidatures !

Offre d’emploi – Animateur, Animatrice

Posted by on 02.26.24

[Poste Pourvu]

The Game Bakers recherche une personne spécialiste de l’Animation pour participer à la création des séquences animées de notre prochain jeu d’action-aventure en 3D. Vous rejoindrez une équipe de 20 personnes, qui ont travaillé ensemble sur nos précédents projets et créent des jeux de qualité dans la bonne humeur.
Nous cherchons à créer des jeux qui marquent les joueurs et les joueuses, comme nos précédentes productions Haven ou Furi. Grâce au succès de nos jeux, nous sommes un studio indépendant et autofinancé et nous travaillons sur des créations originales.

Notre équipe est en télétravail, avec des horaires flexibles. Notre studio est engagé sur les problématiques de diversité et d’éco-sobriété de notre industrie. Nous sommes ouverts à des candidatures avec des parcours atypiques (reconversion, autodidacte etc).

Mission :

Votre mission est de participer à la production de cinématiques sur base de mocap ou en keyframe et de les intégrer dans le moteur.

Profil :

  • Très bon niveau en animation de personnages humains réalistes en 3D et bonne compréhension de l’anatomie
  • Excellente connaissance de Maya
  • Expérience en post animation de motion capture (Movella Xsens)
  • À l’aise avec Unity et maitrise des logiciels de 3D
  • Sens de la réalisation pour intégrer au mieux votre travail dans les cutscenes
  • Intérêt pour l’escalade et la haute montagne est un plus !
  • Francophone

Informations additionnelles :

  • CDD ou mission freelance plein temps (4 jours / semaine minimum)
  • Dates : dès que possible – mission de 12 mois
  • Lieu : En télétravail (toute notre équipe est en télétravail depuis 12 ans)
  • Rémunération compétitive, avec intéressement et bonus projet, horaires flexibles, PEE, journées couette, mutuelle de qualité, aide à la garde d’enfants…

Pour postuler : un petit mot avec votre CV et portfolio à

Merci de vos candidatures !

Haven Community Week- Koyorin mini interview

Posted by on 02.06.24

For this community week, we reached out to Koyorin for some news on their work and to ask for some character designer insight!

Koyorin is a freelance character designer and illustrator, and Haven’s incredible character artist.

Can you tell us about what you have worked on since Haven? How about any future projects?

Since Haven, I’ve been tackling some freelance projects here and there for various applications; mostly animation/video game character designs but sometimes just illustration work too! I work with a lot of indies and smaller developers, but occasionally contribute to some bigger properties when offered. In terms of future projects, I still have some ongoing projects with long-term clients, and I’m also working on a personal project that I hope to be able to share this year if I can fit in the time to work on it more!

You do a lot of fan arts, can you tell us more about what drives you to a specific character?

Haha well, first it’s usually the character’s design itself that draws me to a particular character. But also if they’re written in a compelling way/well characterized, and have a strong personality, then that’s even better.

Your work translates characters into your own style while keeping their recognizable design elements. What’s the process in doing so?

Hmm, I think the most important thing is figuring out a character’s defining elements, and then from there deciding how much I can adapt their designs to my style. Those defining elements then become non-negotiables and have to remain the same even in my style. For example, if there’s a specific way their facial features or hairstyle must appear, or if there’s clothing elements or props that I must make sure are visible in the illustration, etc. Then if those things are in place, then the rest is fair game pretty much!

Koyorin’s Malenia x CEL 240 fan art

What’s your favorite Haven illustration you’ve done?

It’s tough to pick! I think one of my favourites is the one with Yu and Kay sitting on a rocky outcrop laughing and smiling, and there’s a large sprawling environment behind them, with a huge cliff. I believe it was used for the « Sweet Little Things » update as well. I really like that one because I think at the time of development, I was getting the hang of painting backgrounds a bit more and that one captured a certain sense of atmosphere and scale; then combined with Yu and Kay in the foreground I think it made for a charming piece. Otherwise, I also really like the Yu and Kay character selection illustrations I did, as well as the promotional artwork for the couples update! I think they capture their personalities quite well, in my opinion.

What’s your all-time favorite illustration of yours?

I’m not sure I can really decide, haha. I’m really critical of my own work, so my personal work beyond 1-2 years ago looks worse and worse to me every passing year. But I think that’s okay, because it’s simply a part of growth and improvement, and I would be more worried if I never saw any of my work with a critical eye. With that being said, if I had to pick a recent illustration of mine it would have to be something more recent that has some of the recognizable elements of my work (ex. bright neon colours or heavy contrast), such as my pieces « glass », « succubus // 4 » or « showtime ». I think for those specifically, certain elements just came together well.

What are some things you’ve learned from character designs on your different projects?

I think some of the major takeaways from the projects I’ve been a part of, is how to interpret a character’s personality, and bring that into their design. Even though it sounds like a simple thing, whenever I’m tasked with designing a character I try to think of various parts of their lives and how they might react in situations presented to them outside of the context of their game/animation. Working from there, as I did with Haven’s cast, has typically given me a greater understanding of the character and how to represent that visually.

Is there anything else you’d like to tell us?

I had a great time working on Haven and I hope people are still enjoying it today! It was a hugely pivotal project for me in my life and career, and I’m super proud of what the Game Bakers and I accomplished together, so I hope people are still having fun with Yu and Kay today too!

More of Koyorin’s work on Twitter Instagram Artstation or their Patreon

Furi Demake – The Chain – FAQ & Known Issues

Posted by on 11.30.23

Last updated November 30th, 2023

We hope you’re having fun with Furi Demake – The Chain. We have listed here some known issues and their work-around, frequently asked questions and some tips.

Bugs can be reported on Steam here: (link once up), on our Discord, or you can contact us at


Known Issues

Controllers don’t pair right away
Try rebooting your controller once or twice, this should fix it. If that doesn’t sort the issue, you can disable Steam input for your controller in: settings/controllers/toggle on/off

I’m changing the volume but nothing is happening
The game’s audio sometimes creates a new audio source. If that is the case, you can adjust volume using that entry. So head to Windows System / Sound /Audio Mixer and you willsee another application: « nwjs ». If you adjust volume on this entry, it will work.


Does the game work on Steam Deck?
It sure does!

What are the threshold scores for rankings?

Will there be more bosses?
This is a bit of a unique game, created for free for all of you to enjoy. So we don’t have specific plans right now to add more content. Of course, while we were developing the game, it made us dream about the other Guardians, and we would certainly love to see them come to life. But first, we need to hear your opinion on this game.

Will the game come to consoles?
There’s no port planned at the moment.

Is it OK to Let’s Play, stream or monetize videos of Furi? 
Yes it is! We also made sure Furi’s music management is friendly to content creators.


Tips and tricks

  • Parry (back + attack) gives back some HP.
  • Parrying right before impact leads to a special combo.
  • Charged attacks stun the enemy and hitting while stunned lead to a special combo.
  • You can parry bullets.
  • You can double dash in the air, same for double jump.

Furi Demake – The Chain, out now!

Posted by on 11.30.23

Hi Furists,

We have a gift for you today: we’re launching a new game, inspired by Furi, and it’s entirely free! It’s an 8-bit-inspired version of Furi’s first boss fight against The Chain, with frantic controls, fast-paced combat and a mix of melee and ranged combat. In good old 8-bit pixel art and music from the 90s!

Ready to dive into some intense and fast Furi-inspired gameplay with retro controls and style? Check it out on Steam, GoG or

To make this game come true, we’re partnered with Sylph, a solo dev specializing in 8-bit games. It’s been a passion project for the past few months, and we wanted to make this Demake completely free to thank you for your amazing support since the launch of Furi.

We’ll also be hosting a week-long community celebration, from now until December 6th. This week’s activities will include a dev stream of Furi Demake with an all-star cast from the dev team, Furi’s creative director fighting The Strap in Furi, a fan art contest, a Furi Demake speedrun competition, merch discounts, and surprises that will be posted here and on our social media during the week.

That’s not all! Furi and its DLC Onnamusha are discounted for the whole week – let your friends know they can get them at a low price and try out the Demake.

Participate and stay posted with our news by joining our Discord server or signing up for our very occasional newsletter from The Bakery.

Furi Demake – The Chain – Sylph’s interview

Posted by on 11.29.23

Furi Demake – The Chain is the intense 8-bit reimagination of Furi. With fast-paced gameplay, skill-intensive combat, and retro controls that feel good, it’s our way to thank the Furi community and spread the Furi love with an entirely free game.
But how did we get there?

Sylph is the developer behind Furi Demake. We found his work on social media and were impressed, we could already imagine Furi in his style. We asked him to come create his own version of Furi and he accepted the challenge! He agreed to share a bit more about the creation of the game, and to part with some of his mysteriousness, have a read.

Hi Sylph, you’re the developer behind Furi Demake – The Chain. Can you introduce yourself and tell us more about your work?

Hi! I’m a solo developer and I’m making 8-bit games. I taught myself because I’ve wanted to create games since I was a kid. I started off on Klick n’Play. Before that, I drew a lot and that helped, even though pixel art is different from hand drawing.

What tools do you work with to create 8-bit games inspired by the 90’s?

For the art I mainly use Microsoft Paint, it lacks a lot of tools but I’m comfortable with it, it’s a habit. To code I use Construct 3, because I started off without knowing how to code, it’s been perfect to kick off. But rest assured I learned how to code properly since then!

Sylph’s first game, Bad School Boy

What made you want to take part in the Furi Demake project? 

I love the original Furi game, for its gameplay and for its world. I’m very retro-oriented, so I thought about what a retro version could be, both for the art and the gameplay. The goal was to pay homage to Furi but still be different, with the same overall vibe. 

This isn’t your first game, was the creation process any different?

When creating my first games, I couldn’t even use a function in Construct, haha, so yeah the process was very different! This time I also got to know and work with The Game Bakers, a professional team and I learned a lot from them.

Sylph’s Garlic, an 8-bit platformer


What do you like the most as a dev when you’re working on a game? The art, controls, gameplay? 

Everything that has to do with the core gaming experience (art, gameplay, hero movesets) is my main thing. Everything else is a bit less fun (menuing, creating boss patterns’, level design…).

What is your gameplay philosophy?

Simple and effective. I like to have simple rules and controls, with patterns that get harder to push the players to their limits.

What’s your favorite part of Furi Demake – The Chain?

The Furier mode altogether, especially phase 3 and 4. They have extremely intense moments that are really effective in terms of gameplay.

What did you think of Furi, the game that inspired Furi Demake – The Chain?

Like I said, I really love the original Furi. It has controls that are more adapted to modern players, so a little bit harder for me, but it’s so satisfying to play once you’re used to it. It’s based on simple rules as well, with great boss patterns and it keeps the pressure on.

What’s your best score?

I think I once beat the Furier mode with an S rank in 4:30 minutes, but I’ve already lost some of my skill since then!

You’ve created quite a few games before this one, would you like to tell us more about them? Maybe a new one coming?

Yeah I’ve created 6 games so far, the latest being Garlic, a pretty hardcore platformer.
Right now I’m also working on my next game, Sword n’ Dragons, it’ll be a boss fight game with a fantasy style. It will launch on Steam in 2025, and you can support it on Kickstarter soon!

Sylph’s next game, Sword n’ Dragons

Is there anything else you’d like to talk about?

I really want to thank Emeric and the whole team at The Game Bakers for giving me this one-of-a-kind opportunity, and for supporting me through the whole process. You’ve been great, the QA did an amazing job and so did the tech support team. Emeric is a genius designer, and I learned a lot from him. I hope the players will enjoy this gift from The Game Bakers and look into the original Furi!

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Bitpro Core Bitpro Core